Committee News


  • November 2024
  • Herons Glen


Herons Glen Mixed Bowling League commenced matches on Tuesday, October 1 at Bowlero Coral lanes in Cape Coral. 16 four-person teams are competing, of which one is a “bye” team. If you are interested in becoming a member of the league, send an email to HeronsGlenBowling@ stating your preference to bowl either full-time on a team or as a substitute bowler who fills in for full-time bowlers that are absent. Plus, also include your contact information. Here are the current bowling league statistics.

The Herons Glen (HG) Lady Niners hosted their annual KISS (keep it simple summer) event on Wednesday, October 23. The HG 9-Hole League is a member of Lee County Council of Ladies’ Nine Hole Golf Association (LCCLNHGA) of which there are 25 clubs. KISS events start in May of each year and end around the first of November; there is usually a theme for each event. Our theme this year was Halloween. We had 31 players from six Lee County golf courses: Hideaway, Myerlee, Colonial, Hunters Run, Legends and Del Tura. Registration started at 8 a.m. with the ladies picking up morning goodie bags and coffee. There were three special trick or treat holes:


  1. Hole 11 – Everyone had to tee off wearing oven mitts.
  2. Hole 14 – Drive over the water and you win treats; drive in the water andyou receive a new ball.
  3. Hole 17 – Agatha’s Snake Stew; draw a green snake from the cauldron and the ladies get a mulligan; draw a blacksnake from a cauldron and the ladies get to tee off from the 200-yard marker.

After playing a fun nine holes of golf, we gathered in the Formal Dining Room for a delicious lunch of soups, salad bar and a Halloween cake for dessert. Thanks to our chef, our Food and Beverage Director Janine, and the restaurant staff. A big thank you goes to Carol Ross for organizing this event and the KISS committee for their great ideas and table decorations. We also would like to thank the Pro Shop staff (Bruce, Mike, Linda, and our rangers) for their assistance in making this a great golfing event. We look forward to hosting another great KISS event next year.