Club News and Activities


  • December 2024
  • By Herons Glen


The Herons Glen Softball Team is looking for new players for the 2025 season. Hoping to add to the team with players who have some experience playing baseball or softball in the past. This is a very competitive “seniors” league and players must be a minimum of 50 years old on or before 12/31/24.

There will be 7 or 8 teams in the league this season and we are striving to improve on our second place finish from last year. Practice and games will be at the ball fields at Carmelita Park in Punta Gorda. There will be a couple of practices in December with times and dates TBD. Games are played on Monday and Wednesday at 5:30 and last about an hour with the season ending around the middle of March. The first game is on January 6. So, dust off your glove and join a great group of guys for fun. This is also an invitation to everyone, come out and cheer on your home team. Don’t forget to save those cans and place them in the trailer near golf course maintenance, this helps defray the cost of the fields and umpires.

If you’re interested in finding out more about the team, please contact Tom Spenceley, coach, via phone or text at (513) 377-5074 or via email at [email protected].


The Lady Niners met for their opening monthly meeting/luncheon on Wednesday, November 13. The meeting began with a buffet lunch while Golf Pro Bruce Harris gave results of the morning’s game and answered specific golf questions from the membership.

President Val McCarter called the meeting to order. Topics of discussion were the Duke & Duchess Tournament (January 29), Pretty In Pink (PIP) tournament/fundraiser for Breast Cancer (March19, coordinated with 18-hole ladies’ golf league), future KISS events (beginning May through November 2025) and future invitationals. Members were invited to serve on committees to coordinate these major events. In addition, the Lady Niners will celebrate their 25th anniversary in March 2025. We are looking forward to a fun and exciting new year.

Officers for 2024/25: President Valerie McCarter, Vice President Susan Visner, retiring Treasurer Joyce Haist/new Treasurer Bonnie MacGregor, Secretary Lylette Macdonald, Historian/Publicity Denise Johnson, Website Becky Gignac, Sunshine Donna Johnson, Chip-ins and Birdies Terry Viau, KISS Events Carol Ross, and New Members Ellen Halleran/Diana Baker.

For information about our league, The Lady Niners’ website is at Ellen Halleran can also address any questions for new or potentially new members. Contact Ellen at [email protected] or call (239)567-4669.


Trivia Answers

1. December 31, 2000.

2. Torpedoes from a German U-Boat.

3. The Arctic.

4. Arizona and Utah.

5. George Washington, Ulysses S. Grant, and Dwight

D. Eisenhower.