The Herons Glen HOA has established a lovely memorial park to provide members with a place for remembrance of a loved one who has lived here. The park is located on the corner of Herons Glen Boulevard and Palo Duro Boulevard, near the entrance to our community. If you have not noticed this area, I suggest you stop by and check it out.

Pavers are available for engraving with a former Herons Glen resident’s name. Pavers are installed in groups of ten, so when ten have been requested, those ten will be installed around the memorial in locations best suited for the design of the park.
The engravings are limited to one 6” x 9” paver and may not be combined with other pavers to create a larger memorial. The engraving is limited to the space within the paver surface. Anything representing a commercial advertisement will not be allowed. The cost of an engraved memorial paver is $135.
Care and maintenance of the pavers is provided by the HGHOA. Any pavers that are damaged or broken will be removed and replaced with a non- engraved paver. If contact information is on file with the HOA, the original purchaser will be notified of the removal and offered the opportunity to purchase a new engraving.
If you are interested in honoring a former resident of Herons Glen with a paver, you can fill out an application and submit it to the HOA. Details about the Memorial Park and applications are available online at https://hggcc.com/hghoa/pdfs/policies/ memorial.pdf or you can inquire at the HOA Office.