The Lady Niners 9-hole golf league held their 25th annual Duke & Duchess Tournament on Wednesday, February 12, at 1 p.m. The game was a two-person Chapman Alternate Shot on the back nine with husbands, significant others or friends as partners. An awards dinner followed at 5:30 p.m., in the formal dining room with cocktails, appetizers and awards with dinner served at 6:30 p.m.
There were two flights this year.
Flight 1 1st Place: D’Arcie and Steve Kisner 2nd Place: Lori and Gary Vivian 3rd Place: Micky and Steve Lowe Flight 2 1st Place: Kathleen Colletti and Dick Barrow 2nd Place: Donna and Bruce Johnson 3rd Place: Janet and Evan Slater
Overall Winners: Duke & Duchess, Steve and D’Arcie Kisner

A trophy was presented to the new Duke & Duchess, 2024-2025. The trophy will be passed every successive year and updated with the new Duke & Duchess names. Gift cards to the Pro Shop were awarded to the winners.
Many thanks to our Duke & Duchess coordinator, Kathleen Colletti and her committee, Carol Ross and Delores Barrow, for arranging the dinner celebration Sports and table décor. We also give big thanks to the Pro Shop, Food and Beverage staff and Chef for coordinating tee times, prizes, the wonderful dinner and the servers for their usual attention to all attendees.
A good time was had by all, and we’ll look forward to the 2025-2026 event.