Information / Education

The Importance Of Bumblebees

  • September 2024
  • By Kim Basile, Herons Glen

If you are visiting the Butterfly Garden this summer, especially on a sunny day, notice the many bumblebees that are very busy pollinating our bushes and flowers. Bees are crucial to farmers, as they pollinate crops such as berries, peppers, and tomatoes. These fuzzy insects have a unique ability to perform “buzz pollination” when they vibrate their flight muscles, which dislodges the pollen to the plants.

Many of our wildflowers and other flowering types benefit from these busy little guys. Yes, butterflies and honey bees also pollinate, but bumblebees are the hardest workers. Bumblebees are vital for maintaining a healthy ecosystem. They even help maintain bird and mammal habitats. These hard-working bumblebees face the challenges of climate change, pesticide use, and habitat loss. There has been a steady decline in the number of bumblebees for many consecutive years now.

Public awareness of the importance of bumblebees is a high priority. Humans can make a difference. We humans rely on bees to pollinate our food supply. Without these delicate insects, food production would certainly decline. Welcome bumblebees, butterflies and honeybees into your garden by planting flowers and flowering bushes. Enjoy the beautiful Butterfly Garden we created for all of Herons Glen residents. Sit on a bench and watch the hard-working pollinators in action.